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Grow Kit How-To Guide

The latest mushroom grow kit tutorials! Guides on how to inoculate grain bags, mix grain with substrate and the importance of sterilizing everything!

Inoculating Grain Bag

How-To Guides For Mycology

Step 1: Sterilize

The Most Important Step In Having A Successful Experience Is Pre-Sterilization Of All The Tools ie., Grain Bags, Syringes & Gloves.

mushroom spore innoculation

Step 2: Inoculate

After Everything Is Sterilized, Inject The Grain Bag With Culture Spores To Begin The Colonization Process.

mushroom grow kit illustration

Step 3: Wait

Store Your Inoculated Grain In A Sterilized, Controlled Environment. Allow Time For The Mycelium To Fully Grow On The Grain.

Grain Transfer To Substrate

Step 4: Mixing

In A Controlled Environment (Near Flow Hood), Pour The Mycelium Grain Spawn Into The Substrate Bag.

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Step 5: Shake

After The Grain Spawn Is Added To The Substrate Bag, Hold The Bag Closed And Shake Repeatedly Until The Grain Is Mixed Evenly With The Substrate.


Step 6: Seal

After The Materials Are Properly Mixed, Reseal The Bag And Allow Nature To Run It’s Course!


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